Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've got PUPPS

No, I didn't get a new puppy yet, probably not for another year or so, but I do have PUPPS. PUPPS is Pruritic Uticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. Sounds fun, huh?? Well it really sucks. Its symptoms consists of ITCHING and more ITCHING. Imagine bug bites or a scratch that won't go away or are relived by much of anything. Aveeno medicated lotion and Benedryl work for a little while, but don't totally relieve the constant itch. They more or less take the edge off. What PUPPS is, is a rash that develops on the abdomen, usually around stretch marks, then can move to other parts of the body such as the back, hips, butt, arms, legs, feet and hands. I have itched just about everywhere. I wake up at night itching and sometimes can't sleep. It usually begins around 35 weeks, more commonly with your first baby and with boys. The good new is, it is completely harmless to me and to Charlie. The bad news is I have to deal with it til he is born. Delivery is what makes it go away. I don't know if it slowly gets better the closer to delivery I get or I am just used to the constant itching, so it doesn't seem as irritating as it was a couple of weeks ago. Well, I only have to deal with it for 3 weeks max, so once I hold Charlie, I am sure the itching will seem like it never happened. It is all going to be worth it itch in the end!!!

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