Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weekend Fun

This past weekend, Pat and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend together. Friday night, we had dinner with our friends The Clark's. It was great catching up with them and seeing their boy, Jack. Charlie already has a friend, Jack will be one on Charlie's due date!!!

On Saturday, we had our childbirth class. It was very informational and a good overview of what is going to happen sometime in the next three weeks or so. Pat even said, "I didn't realize labor takes that long!" He thinks it is like the movies, your water breaks and out comes the baby, Ha ha I wish it was that easy!!

Saturday night, we headed to Arrowhead to check out our new season tickets and the new stadium, oh and I guess to watch the Chefs, I mean Chiefs. From what I saw on the field, not much has changed with the team, despite the new GM, new coach, new quarterback, new offensive coordinator and still the same horrible plays!!! It could be another loooong season for us Chiefs fans. As for our tickets, we have great seats, 4 rows from the field on the side of the end zone on the visitors side or the sunny side for the cold games!!! The renovated stadium is also nice, it will be pretty sweet when it is all completed. Oh, I forgot to mention the down pour of rain about 4 min into the game. That was pretty cool. The worst part was we had ponchos in the car that Pat forgot to tell me about until the down pour started!! Luckily, we had some friends there that got us up into a suite for the 2nd half of the game. Otherwise, we were leaving at the half. It was fun to be at the game, since I probably won't be making it to many games!!! I love football season!!!

Sunday, we spent a lazy day at home doing laundry, watching TV, and relaxing. Just enjoying our last couple of weekends as a couple, before the baby arrives. We are getting the nursery all put together, so when it is all ready, I will post some more pics.

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